Why Humans Survived While Dinosaurs Went Extinct

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Crazy to think there was a time when dinosaurs ruled the earth. Especially T-Rexs like this bad boy. No one really knows how they and the triceratops, velociraptors, and the rest of the ‘gang’ ceased to exist. Maybe an asteroid obliterated them. Or, maybe they were hunted out by club holding prehistoric people whose vocabulary consisted of only one word, “UGH!” Or, maybe it was the mother of all volcanic eruptions. No one really knows… not even AI! We just know that dinosaurs are gone. See ya. Bye, bye.

To quote actor Jeff Goldblum playing the role of Dr. Ian Malcolm in the 1993 hit movie Jurassic Park, ‘Dinosaurs had their shot, and nature selected them for extinction.”

One correction, though. With all due respect to Dr. Malcolm, it wasn’t nature that chose to eradicate dinos, but God.

Interesting that those beasts of old did what they did based only on instinct. They viciously killed and ate each other… unless you were a herbivore (a vegetarian dino). They didn’t have a chance; the leaf eating creatures were just organic stakes ready to be munched on by the others. None of them survived! But man did even though he rationally did the wrong thing.

There is an explanation for man’s survival through the millennia, though. God’s mercy and grace!!!

God could have wiped us out a long time ago, but He chose not to. For example, the bible says that man disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden. You know the story, the pair on the ground ate from the forbidden apple on the tree.

The Lord had given man and woman everything they ever wanted: food, fun, each other. They only had to stick to God’s plan of not eating from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. But they disobeyed God and as a result He disciplined them and kicked them out of the garden.

The bible tells us what happened, “Then, the Lord God said… to the woman, “I will sharpen the pain of your pregnancy, and in pain you will give birth. And you will desire to control your husband, but he will rule over you.” And to the man he said, “Since you listened to your wife and ate from the tree whose fruit I commanded you not to eat, the ground is cursed because of you. All your life you will struggle to scratch a living from it. It will grow thorns and thistles for you, though you will eat of its grains. By the sweat of your brow will you have food to eat until you return to the ground from which you were made. For you were made from dust, and to dust you will return.” (Genesis 3:14, 16-19, NLT)

It was all bad news for Adam and Eve. Life was no longer going to be a ‘picnic’ (like in the Garden of Eden), but at least they were alive. Also, in grace God allowed the land to yield food for the man’s hard work. The Lord also allowed man to multiply.

The reason women go through such pain while giving birth to a little ‘bambino’ is a direct result of man’s sinful behavior at the very beginning of time. However, although there’s much pain involved, God blessed the woman with the desire to have more kids even though it pains her. That’s straight out mercy.

I’ve had several broken bones in my life and trust me, I don’t want to go through that kind of pain ever again. And yet, a woman can suffer a pain beyond that of a bone break and still be willing to go through it again. It’s all a God-thing. So God was merciful to the couple who betrayed Him.

The Lord could have kicked Adam and Eve out of existence, but He chose not to because God loves man and wants to redeem us.

Let me pause right here to remind you that God loves you very much. The Lord Jesus said in the Gospel of John, “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:15, NIV)

Let’s get back to man… the survivor.

As time went by, ‘The Lord observed the extent of human wickedness on the earth, and he saw that everything they thought or imagined was consistently and totally evil.’ (Genesis 6:5, NLT). I read that and think, Ok, this is it! Man’s goose is cooked! But the bible says, “But Noah found favor with the Lord.” (Genesis 6:8)

You know the rest of the story, Noah built a huge ark (with the help of his sons and daughters in law, I’m sure). It took them a long time to get it done, but with God’s help, they did it.

Then one day a few raindrops were felt, then, a down pour, and then water was let loose… buckets of water coming down from the sky above and gobs of water eruptiing from the earth below. The flood! But Noah, his wife, his sons, their wives, and a bunch of animals were nice and dry inside the ark.

God could have wiped clean mankind from the face of the earth, but the Lord allowed man to survive. The bible says that when the waters finally receded, the ark rested on dry ground, and Noah, his family, and the animals exited the ark and repopulated the earth. Then, God painted a beautiful rainbow in the sky to remind Noah that He would never again destroy the living creatures of earth in such fashion.

Next time you see a rainbow, rather than thinking of water droplets and sunlight creating tiny, colorful prisms in the sky and, rather than wondering if there’s actually a pot of gold at the end of that rainbow, think of God’s promise of never flooding the earth again.

Let’s get back to why man survived while dinosaurs didn’t.

Man was already on thin ice with God. But it happened again. And once again, the grace of God rose to the occasion. The bible says that mankind got together and started a building project designed to reach the sky. The Tower of Babel. It was an act of insolence from mankind. But rather than blowing man off this sphere, God acted in mercy.

The bible says that God made the workers (architects, project investors, masons, cooks, water ‘go-fers,’ the ones told to ‘go-fer’ this and that) to speak different languages. The building project stopped because they became confused. Then they scattered throughout the earth (Genesis 11:1-9).

Picture it. Had I been there, it would have been like me, a Puertorican, trying to communicate and understand what my fellow worker is trying to tell me while speaking in mandarin Chinese.

The Tower of Babel became a dead end project.

So… where does this leave us? It leaves us with a thought of thanksgiving to the Almighty for preserving mankind. The reptiles didn’t make, but we did, thank the Lord. Thank God that you were not born as a reptile eons of years ago, but as a man in the image of God.

Also, beyond a sense of gratitude, you must know that God loves you. The bible says that our sins separate us from Him, but Jesus came into our world to die for our sins so we could enjoy life as God designed it. Jesus Christ is the door that gives you and me access to our Heavenly Father. If you have never asked Jesus to forgive you of your sins and be your Lord and Savior, now would be a great time to bow your head and ask God for His grace and mercy.

One more thing, know that God’s plan for your life is not just to survive but to thrive. You can achieve anything with the Lord’s help. Seek Him out and see what God does through you and for you.

Thanks for reading. Please leave me a reply with your thoughts. Also, please subscribe to my blog.

God bless you,


Is It Time For 666?

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I went to drop off a suit jacket at the cleaners nearby the other day. The door was open and there were no other customers around so I walked right in. The owner (a man from another country) quickly put on his mask and yelled, “Where’s your mask?” I wasn’t wearing one. The store owner was behind a huge plastic shield but he continued his serious heavily accented verbal rebuke, “You goin’ to kill me!”

People are agitated and nervous about Covid 19. Can’t really blame them! The media has created mass hysteria about the whole thing. The latest serious talk is about getting rid of cash transactions in the business place for fear of transferring the illness.

Honestly, I don’t know what to believe. I’ve read that the virus is transferred through respiratory droplets when people cough, sneeze, or spit on people (not intentionally, of course) as they talk… thus, the need for masks. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/faq.html

According to Dr. Shruti Gohil from the University of California Irvine Medical Center, you can’t get the virus by handling paper goods or mail or packages. https://laist.com/latest/post/20200311/coronavirus-qa-can-it-transmit-via-paper-metal-coin-mail-package

But, just to be careful, since we don’t know who has been handling what, the recommendation is that we wash our hands often and keep our fingers from our nose, ears, mouth, and eyes. Still, for fear that germs are hitching a ride on cold hard cash, the idea of going cashless in gaining momentum. Question: Wouldn’t germs attach themselves to debit cards as well? Who knows?

All this cashless talk leads us to a very important question, is real money about to become nothing more than play money?
The question remains, Is it time for the 666? Even people who are not into church and the bible know about the 666 number of the beast the bible talks about in the tribulation,

“He [the antichrist] required everyone—small and great, rich and poor, free and slave—to be given a mark on the right hand or on the forehead. And no one could buy or sell anything without that mark, which was either the name of the beast or the number representing his name. Wisdom is needed here… his number is 666.” Revelation 13:16-18, NLT [parenthesis mine]

The bible says that the events described in the above verses will happen somewhere in the middle of the seven year tribulation that will happen on earth in the near future. The 666 number leads us to believe that the antichrist will set up a cashless society and that commerce will be driven by an electronic system that will keep track of everyone. So, this ‘cashless talk’ is making people wonder and some even panic.

What’s the answer to the question, Is it time for 666? Answer: I don’t think so… but who knows? I know, I know… my answer is ambiguous and middle of the road but here are some thoughts about it:

– If you’re worried about U.S. going cashless, don’t be. Yes, doing away with the dollar can definitely have a negative impact on commerce and will require certain adjustments on our part, but we do have debit cards. There’s obviously much more to this but the bottom line is that Jesus said,

“Don’t ever worry about tomorrow. After all, tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Matthew 6:34, GW. Also,

– The bible doesn’t exactly pinpoint the year when the tribulation will begin or when the antichrist will move the world to being totally cashless. Jesus said,

““But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” Matthew 24:36, NIV

All signs point to the end of days being near. All prophecies before the return of Jesus Christ to earth for His church have been fulfilled! It’s only a matter of time until the Lord Jesus raptures His followers home to heaven. Next,

– The bible teaches that born again believers will not go through the horrors of the end time tribulation. Jesus said,

“Since you [the church] have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come on the whole world to test the inhabitants of the earth.” Revelation 3:10, NIV [parenthesis mine]

Since we’re not going to be here for the 666 economy from hell, be at peace today! Cashless may not happen for a while. One last thought,

– Be ready! Since we don’t know when Jesus is coming and since we shouldn’t worry about going ‘cashless,’ the one thing to do is keep our eyes on Jesus. The author of the book of Hebrews wrote,

“Let us look only to Jesus, the One who began our faith and who makes it perfect.” Hebrews 12:2 NCV

Two last parting thoughts: First, do your diligent duty during Covid 19. I even sanitized my hands after touching that Boston Red Sox Collector’s Edition Monopoly money. Second, if you’re going to the cleaners or any store, wear a mask… you don’t want to be accused of killing anyone with your spit or nose droplets!

Thanks for reading! Have a great day!! Leave me a comment!!!

God Thirsting

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Our chariot had arrived! We were about to embark on a ‘once in a lifetime’ journey to Meade Glacier, Alaska. And we were geared up to the hilt! Literally. Meade glacier is a rugged, desolate, far from anywhere chunk of ice five miles long and nine hundred feet thick. We had layer upon layer of clothing, ski poles, and boots with sharp metal spikes to stabilize our walk. We had been told that people who slip and fall on the glacier usually cut themselves pretty severely because the ice is full of sharp edges. Needless to say, our adrenalin rush was at an all-time high!

We took off and climbed high over snow covered mountain peaks! Breathtaking!!
My thought: How could anything survive in such harsh terrain?
Another thought: God is absolutely amazing!

We finally arrived at our destination and it felt as if we are in another planet… really! Everything around us seemed so unrecognizable. As we were given a tour of the area the opportunity came for anyone interested to drink from one of the few running shallow water streams on the surface of the ice. I obviously jumped at the chance and drank. It was probably the best freezing cold water I’ve ever tasted.
While re-living these pics, a bible verse came to mind, “As a deer longs for flowing streams, so my soul longs for you, O God!” Psalm 42:1, (GW)

My glacier surroundings couldn’t be more opposite to the ones the author of Psalm 42 was thinking about. The Middle East is arid, not icy. Hot, not cold. Also, we don’t know if the deer longing for water is thirsty because it’s been running for its life from a predator or because there hasn’t been any rain and there’s nothing but dry river beds everywhere. Regardless, this deer needs refreshment. Animals in that rugged area adapt to dry conditions but eventually water is necessary or death will happen.

Here in America we usually get thirsty because either we have been working out or playing sports or because the cook put too much salt on our food. But satisfying a thirst can be a matter of life and death. Humans can go for many days without food but more than three or four days without water and we’re done for.

Spiritually speaking, we need God as the deer needs water. But our thirst, the thirst the author was writing about, is from the soul, that invisible place at the very core of our being.

Whether people know it or not, everyone, church or unchurched, longs for God. Each one is a creature created by a Creator and as such we all want to know where we came from, Who made us, and why we are here. But the one compared to a deer in Psalm 42 is a person that has chosen to follow the Lord.

Us, the believers, thirst for God more than the rest. It’s not because Christians are better than anyone else. We are not! We thirst for Jesus because we’ve been forgiven. We’ve been given a taste of the love and goodness of God and we long for more of that… especially when we’ve been sidetracked by something else.

Have you ever lost track of what you were doing? Or, have you asked yourself, “Now, what was I going to do?” or “Why did I come to the store for?” It happens to me more and more as I get older! I think that living in this world often makes us forget the One who loves us most. I ran across this in Psalm 63:1, “O God, you are my God; I earnestly search for you. My soul thirsts for you; my whole body longs for you in this parched and weary land where there is no water.” In other words, this world does not have what God can give. Even with all its glitz and bling, the world is parched, dry, and not the answer to the yearnings and cravings of our very being.

If you can relate to that thirsting for God deer, do something about it right now and go get a satisfying drink. Obviously I am not talking about going to the water cooler but to the One who invented water.

The bible says that Jesus offers living water to everyone who is God thirsting. He compared that water to a bubbling spring of eternal life that gushes out continually from within us… GUSH, GUSH… until we get to heaven.

Maybe you feel like you’re shriveling up inside with sadness and disappointment. Times are tough! Look for God today. Turn your heart and thoughts to Him even if just for a few brief moments. Whisper a prayer. Yield to Him. He will once again give you some of the most satisfying ‘water’ you’ve ever tasted. And it won’t take much; a little of God will go a long way. Let Him recharge and renew you. Just one sip at a time will do.

Than you for reading! God bless you!! Please leave me a comment if you’d like.

How To Stay Within Reach Of What You Want

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Aren’t eagles majestic? In Alaska, where my wife took this picture, eagles are prevalent. But in the part of the country where I live they are seldom seen. So when I see one, I am overjoyed and celebrate the occasion… my wife says I am too easily entertained!

The church I pastor is in the outskirts of town where there are lots of trees and greenery. I’ve seen otters playing in our back pond (which we call ‘Lake Jordan’), owls on trees, hawks, and you can even spot an eagle every once in a while. 

One day I was tired of being in the office and decided to relax and gather my thoughts by taking a walk to the back of the church property. I leaned against a back wall of one of our buildings while admiring the pond, vegetation, and peaceful scenery before me.

I looked up and saw what seemed like eagles soaring in wind currents at great altitudes. They were so high up they looked tiny against the clear blue skies. I was so excited to see them, I wanted them to get closer so I could get a clear look. I didn’t have my binoculars so I did the next best thing, I cupped my hands around both sides of my mouth and as loud as I could I did my ‘eagle call.’

“CAW…CAW…” Of course I have no clue what eagles sound like. I probably sounded like a hurt crow, but I didn’t care. So I kept doing my loud calling. I’m sure whoever lives in the homes near the church property probably wondered what was making those horrible sounds and how to put it out of its misery.  

After a few attempts I waited to see if any of those eagles started flying my way. But there was no change to their flight pattern. I called again and watched and waited some more. Then I called yet again. My eyes were so completely fixed on those majestic creatures so far away that I didn’t see a huge hawk flying fast, low, wings spread wide open and coming straight at me.

I’m guessing he was somewhere in the tall trees on the other side of our property when he heard my ‘distressed’ eagle call.  

Hawks, like eagles, are impressive predators. They can travel at speeds of up to 40 mph. The hawk was coming at such speed… by the time I saw it he was too close for me to run or hide.

I froze with my back pressed against the building! Then, before reaching me, the bird elevated some and perched itself on low lying telephone wires just a few feet away from me. He stared at me for what seemed like the longest time. I called him a pretty bird and even had a 1-sided conversation with him about me being a human and not another species of animal. But I also threatened to defend myself with a mop next to me if the bird made a sudden move towards me.

Eventually, the hawk flew away and I returned to my office wondering about it all.

Moses once wrote in a prayer to God on behalf of the people,

“That we may gain a heart of wisdom.” Psalm 90:12 (NIV)

Thinking back, I almost missed the greatness of a beautiful hawk for the sake of the eagles I could barely see.

Maybe what you’re reaching for is unattainable at this particular moment. That’s alright, though. Keep pursuing what you want, but at the same time look around you because there might be something great at your fingertips (an opportunity, an interview, an invitation) that you won’t want to miss.  

Sometimes we can be so focused on tomorrow that we totally miss the good of today. There might be something of value now that complements and even reinforces what you’re in the process of seeking. Take it all in and let it become a part of the great life you’re in the process of pursuing.

Thanks for reading! Please leave me a message!!

How To Live Big Even When Life Seems Small

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We were in the little town of Hoonah, Alaska, population 800, when we came across this behemoth totem pole. It’s over twenty foot tall and so heavy they are going to need a crane to transfer it and stand it in the center of town once it’s finished. One of the artists working on the project told me they’ve been working on it for months and it will take several more months to finish.

We were in absolute awe at the size of the thing and at the meticulous detail the artists were putting on it.

We learned that each totem pole tells a story. The images describe a set of qualities, ideals, and ideas that encourage and empower. For example, the figure of an eagle is associated with courage, risk-taking, freedom, and intelligence, among others. The carved figure of a frog stands for hidden beauty, rebirth, adaptability and other qualities. A beaver is related to dreaming great dreams and determination and building, etc.

I was so impressed by the totems that I bought one at a shop in a place called Ketchikan. This one is only 17 inches tall but its as special as the humongous one in Hoonah… even more so to me because the artist that created it, signed it. My prized possession is pictured below,
In our day, the thought is that bigger is better and that the more you have the happier you’ll be. But that may not necessarily be so. There are people who seem to have it all (wealth, fame) and yet misery follows them. Some wrestle with drug and alcohol addiction. Who hasn’t heard of a famous person going through a nasty divorce or dying of an overdose or committing suicide? Big doesn’t always mean better.

You may be reading this thinking, I hear you but I believe that if I had this/that I’d really be happy.

The wisest man that ever lived said this,

“I came so that everyone would have life, and have it in its fullest.” John 10:10 CEV

It’s a promise not based on the conjunction ‘if’. Jesus was saying that following Him will result in enjoying a most satisfying life whether we have lots or little.

I want to challenge you to live ‘big’ even when life seems small.

Start by living out your story!

Just like every totem pole has a story, everyone has a unique story. Your biography may not include a rags to riches theme. And yours may not be an incredible come back story, but you have a story to tell that’s your own: who you are, where you came from, how you got to where you are today, and where you’re heading. No one can take that away from you. You’re an original! You’ve had to overcome painful difficulties and struggles like everyone else. Be proud of that!! Next,

Let your creative genius out!

You know what attracted me to my totem memorabilia? The eagle on top. From the dozens of totem poles that artist had carved, only that one had the standing eagle with spread wings.

I’ve heard people say sometimes that they don’t have a creative bone in their body. That may be so to some extent, but everyone is gifted at doing something or at being a certain way.

The Bible says that God made you and me in His image and you know that God don’t make no junk! He has gifted you with a sharp mind, personality, talent, smile, a love and passion for something, and many other traits and talents.

Develop those.
Milk those.
Exploit those.

One more thing about living big even when life seems small,

Add color to your life!

Avoid the pitfall of getting into dull routines.

I had lunch with a guy one time. He took a bite of the burger, grabbed two fries, dipped them in ketchup, eat them, and then took a slurp of soda. He methodically did each step in sequence until the food was gone. Madness! I said, “Are you for real?” He answered, “What?” I said, “The way you eat. One bite of burger, two fries dipped in ketchup, and a drink of soda.” He was like, “So?” Had he swallowed soda before munching on fries his world would have ended. Needless to say, I never had lunch with that dude again!

Life is too good to waste on dull routines. Engage in something stimulating and refreshing. Do something different! Maybe take a new route to work or eat something you’ve never tried before at your favorite restaurant (better yet, try cooking something), or learn a second language or be spontaneous a go somewhere.

Life was meant to be enjoyed… big or small! Live it to the hilt!!

Thanks for reading! Please leave me a comment.

How To Find The Best Speed For Your Life Right Now

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I learned something from pelicans the other day. There they were, early one morning, chillin’ over the Slow Speed sign. My first thought was, Lazy birds. But there I was, sitting in my air conditioned SUV, sipping on some iced coffee, and eating a warm, buttered biscuit.

I was sitting there, watching them sit there.

My brain was ‘in neutral’ when a thought crossed my mind, Man, the life of a bird…doing nothing all day long. Slow speed. I wonder what that’s like?

At one time or another we all question where we are, where we’ve been, where we are headed, what we’re doing. Then, we throw in a few ‘what ifs’ about what could be, life at a different speed than what it currently is, and we ponder.

I have a friend that couldn’t wait to retire at a relatively young age. When he finally did it, he couldn’t stand the slow change of pace so he went back to work full time. Another friend told me recently that he had retired 3 times before finally withdrawing from the rigors of an everyday job.

So, I sat there in front of those birds thinking about all of this when another pelican came into view.

This one pelican was circling and diving into the water right by where the other pelicans were comfortably sitting. I had seen small fish kicking up water here and there and the flying pelican was targeting them. I quickly got out of the car and was able to catch the picture below,
That was one kamikaze bird doing a ‘perfect 10’ dive!

Of course, who knows why birds behave the way they do and I don’t know a Pelican Whisperer to ask, so I figured that the one bird was hungry while the others weren’t. Maybe the sitting birds thought that diving for fish at that time of the day was too much work. Or, maybe that lunging bird was young and energetic while the others were not… by now you may be saying to yourself, “Get to the point, will ya?” Ok, here we go,

Question: Which pelican speed do you identify yourself with at the present? Are you in a go-getter, full throttle mode? Or, are you the slow as you go kind of person? Maybe your approach to life depends on what’s demanded from you.

The Bible tells us that when David was on the run from king Saul, men from various places joined him and pledged allegiance to him. A sharp thinking group of those guys is described as follows,

“The sons of Issachar…understood the times, with knowledge of what Israel should do” 1Chronicles 12:32 NASB

In other words, they were wise and knew how to live in light of what was happening at the time.

Here are a few ideas to help you understand the ideal speed for your life right now.

First, recognize which season of life you’re in. Young and energetic people are willing to take risks while those at a different age bracket may choose to play it safe. Be honest with yourself about your life-stage.

Please understand, youthfulness doesn’t not mean more productivity. I read recently that the 50’s are the most productive years of life. Take notice of where you are and proceed accordingly.

Second, regardless of age, pace yourself!

Michael Hyatt wrote a blog recently called, How To Master the Essential Discipline of Stillness, where he described the value of taking 15 minutes a day to do absolutely nothing (talk about slowing down). He described those 15 minutes of nothing as one of the most transformational things he’s ever done, moments when you get to reconnect with yourself and gain perspective about life as you know it.

Sounds like 15 minutes of doing absolutely nothing could mean absolutely everything!

Third, think, What am I really passionate about? The answer to that question can determine your aim and strategy in pursuing what drives you. Eating fish was that diving pelican’s motivation.

Finally, make inventory of the positives you have going for you and what you can do with them. These could include a number of things we tend to take for granted: time, health, opportunities, resources, talents, etc. You may want to write them down because we tend to remember what’s bad in our lives rather than what’s good.

I’m sure that diving pelican joined the gang of sitting pelicans after a while. But for those moments that I was there that long nosed bird knew one speed, forward!

What’s your speed?

Thanks for reading. Please leave me a comment.

How To Shift From Dullness To A Vibrant Life

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This is not an ordinary pair of $5.99 sunglasses. It’s a gift some real good friends of mine gave me a couple of years ago; the lenses are especially designed for color blind people like me. They prevent a certain stream of light that keeps me from seeing certain colors from going in my eyes. Wearing them opens a window to a world of intense color and beauty.

For me, colors are dull and boring, some even unrecognizable… but not when I put these ‘bad boys’ on; the world around me comes to life!

The best way to describe what I experience when I put them on, I guess, is like turning on a light behind a stained glass window. All of a sudden the design explodes in brilliance… and I am amazed at the sight.

Sometimes when I’m wearing them during a spectacular sunset or sunrise, I still ask my wife, “Are you seeing this? Is this for real? Are the colors as bright and vibrant as what I’m seeing?”

I have these crazy childhood memories of sitting in someone’s office looking at cards with colored dots and trying to find figures among the dots. If you’re color blind you may relate to what I’m writing.

Needless to say, I never again want to miss something colorful and beautiful.

The author of Psalm 27 knew something a lot of people miss sometimes, that God is both attractive and desirable. So David wrote a prayer we should make our own,

“I’m asking God for one thing, only one thing: To… contemplate his beauty.” Psalm 27:4, MSG

Do you ever find yourself focusing on the bad and what you lack rather than on the good and what you have? That sort of smears the beauty of God’s grace and charm, doesn’t it?

Too often we’re missing what is excellent and could be satisfying because of who we are and our ideals.

Many years ago when I started to pastor the church I’m in, one of the leaders was a friendly guy but with a bad attitude. Sounds like an oxymoron but he was the embodiment of negativism with a smile. He even carried around a little black notebook in his front shirt pocket (yes, he wore a shirt with a front pocket that was also stuffed with pens) where he jotted down what in his opinion was bad.

Whenever there was a church meeting, that man would pull out his black notebook and ‘fire away’ at me, the church, and, if allowed, the world at large.

But then something happened, he had a heart attack and a subsequent quadruple bypass surgery. When I visited him in the intensive care unit after the surgery I thought, “This dude’s done for.” But he survived, and his life was radically changed for the better!

I asked him about it and he told me that for too long he had been missing the greatness and wonder of God and His creation. “Now I take walks everyday,” he added, “and notice all the little beautiful flowers I had missed before.”

If you’re the kind of person that sees the glass half empty instead of half full, how about whispering a prayer on a regular basis that you don’t miss the beauty of all that God is and all He has made.

I was bringing a couple of milkshakes home the other evening and noticed a sundown worth checking out with my hand-dandy sunglasses on,

Once again I was blown away and thanked the Lord for the beauty before me.

So, how can we shift from living with a shroud of dullness that covers the eyes of our hearts and minds so we can enjoy a vibrant life?

The first thing to do is ask God to help us recognize and see His beauty. We don’t want to miss that.

Also, let’s set our minds to look for and anticipate that which God makes beautiful! We’re often caught in the been there, done that, so what syndrome so we’ve become calloused, unmoved, oblivious, and indifferent to the greatness and beauty that’s all around us.

People ask me if I wear those sunglasses wherever I go and the answer is, “No.” I use them only when I sense the unveiling of the spectacular happening before my eyes and without fail the beauty of the moment becomes fresh and new and I am once again wowed!

A life that’s often wowed by the creator never becomes dull!

Thanks for reading. Please leave me a comment.

How To Make Your Dark Place Bright And New

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If you’re claustrophobic you’re already thinking, You couldn’t offer me enough money to go in there. Trust me, I too had reservations especially after learning that the area had been rattled by an earthquake a few months prior to us being there. But we just couldn’t miss the experience of venturing into that now abandoned gold mine.

We usually associate darkness with fear or with very bad problems. Someone said to me one time, “I am at a very dark place at the moment.” She was going through so many difficulties.

Darkness to you may have to do with uncertainty or lack of direction in your life or with a broken dream you once had.

Gloom and doom and maybe even death may also come to mind with the words ‘dark place.’ Like me, I’m sure you’ve heard people tell of out of body experiences that described going through a dark tunnel with a bright light at the end.

Your ‘dark place’ may be totally different than my ‘dark place’ but all dark places have something in common, they are not a fun place to be in.

A mindset change is required to make your dark place bright and new.

An Old Testament man named David experienced many severe trials and dark places but he wrote something that gives us insight into how he overcame all,

“Is there anyplace I can go to avoid your Spirit? to be out of your sight? If I climb to the sky, you’re there! If I go underground, you’re there! If I flew on morning’s wings to the far western horizon, You’d find me in a minute— you’re already there waiting! Then I said to myself, “Oh, he even sees me in the dark! At night I’m immersed in the light!” Psalm 139:7-12, MSG

David was sure that anywhere was never somewhere far from the love of his God.

Sear this statement in your mind and never, ever forget it: The One who loves me most is always by me.

Please allow me to add one more Bible verse to this line of thinking. The apostle John wrote,

“This is the message we have heard from Him and announce to you, that God is Light, and in Him there is no darkness at all.” 1John 1:5, NASB 

So… since the Lord is always with me, and He is light, how could I ever be engulfed in darkness? With the Lord by our side, dark places should never happen. It’s a mindset and an attitude that must become our mental ‘go-to’ for all times.

I know, I know… you’re thinking, “Easier said than done, buster!” I’ll give you that, but let me also give you a visual to help solidify this truth in you. Before we entered that abandoned mine, our guide showed us a board just outside the mouth of that dark tunnel (picture below).
He explained that when the mine was operational in the early 1900’s, each of those numbers and tags represented a miner still in the mine. Before a miner entered the mine, he would hang his identification tag on that wall. When the shift was over, the miner would exit the mine and remove the tag from the board to let others know he was safe outside the mine.

Imagine God having a tag with your name on it up in heaven, but your tag is heart-shaped because of how much He loves you. With today’s technology it would be more like an icon with your face on it (or your emoji) that pings before Him wherever you are. Remembering that God’s aware of our whereabouts every moment of every hour of every day, makes all the difference in the world.

How about next time you feel like you’re heading down that dark path you pray something like, “God, you know how I’m feeling, but the Bible says that you’re a God of light. Will you light up my life right now and help me see beyond this fog? In the name of Jesus, lift my Spirit up, Lord!”

Please understand that I am not trying to oversimplify how to overcome a deep rooted ‘dark place.’ Some need professional counseling to overcome where they are or have been. But the right mindset can help a great deal. Just know that God is always there! He was you when you failed the exam. He was there when the break-up happened. He was in the room when the doc gave the bad news. And He will be by your side when you close your eyes for the last time. That’s seriously comforting.

Oh… one more thought, God will also be immediately with you on the other side to welcome you to your new heavenly home for eternity. When that’s your mindset, the world is a brighter place to live in.

Thanks for reading! Please leave me a comment.

How To Keep A Strong Balanced Life

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Have you ever been to Alaska? It is a jaw-dropping, eye-popping, awe-inspiring place!

My bride and I came back from there a few weeks ago… one of the best trips we’ve taken! While in a place called Icy Strait, the blowing wind by the water’s edge was Icy Cold but we decided to go on a short nature trail anyways. The scenery was majestic.

Sitka Spruce trees were everywhere (above picture). Those ‘bad boys’ can rise to a stunning three hundred feet up! Their trunks were massive… some of them have been standing tall and strong for hundreds of years.

The Bible says that people who trust God and live for Him are like those huge trees and even better. They will have a life worth living! Check out what Psalm 1 says,

“Oh, the joys of those who do not
    follow the advice of the wicked,
    or stand around with sinners,
    or join in with mockers.
But they delight in the law of the Lord,
    meditating on it day and night.
They are like trees planted along the riverbank,
    bearing fruit each season.
Their leaves never wither,
    and they prosper in all they do.” Psalm 1:1-3 (NLT

That’s ONE BIG promise!

Two words caught my attention from those verses: ‘wither’ and ‘prosper.’ The Hebrew idea for not withering means that it will never sink or become droopy. And the word ‘prosper’ literally means to advance forward. I want to hold on to those promises. to become true in my life. How about you?

Those extremely tall, strong trees by the water’s edge in Icy Strait are in very inhospitable weather. The temperatures can be harsh, dipping below zero at times, there’s lots of rain and snow, and very strong winds. And yet, there the sitka spruces stand. Amazing!

God’s great promises to us stand the test of time regardless of the difficulties we may encounter. Have you ever experienced one tough time after another and said, “Man, when it rains it pours!” And sometimes it doesn’t let up! And life can become right down depressing. And yet… God’s promises remain and will become true for us!

As my darling and I continued down the trail, we came across this fallen giant, (picture below).
Maybe there was a serious gust of wind that got under its branches, uprooted it, and sent the spruce to the ground. Or maybe the tree had lived up its days and it was time to go down… no way of telling. But an idea came to mind of something the apostle Paul wrote,

“So let the man [or woman] who feels sure of his standing today
be careful that he does not fall tomorrow.” 1Corinthians 10:12 (PHILLIPS; parenthesis mine)

That word ‘careful’ means to take a good look at yourself: how you think; how you operate/what you do; how much ‘weight’ does God and faith have in your life; where you’re heading with your goals and dreams; etc. You may be doing extremely well today but tomorrow remains a mystery.

To keep a strong balance life you must believe in yourself and do what you can, but at the same time remain humble enough to trust that it is only with God’s help that your influence and reach are going to grow tall and strong!

In the Psalm we read above, the Lord promises those who love Him:

*Fruitfulness throughout your year (‘bearing fruit each season’)
*Staying fresh and rejuvenated (‘leaves never wither’)
*Success (‘they prosper in all they do’)

Thrive! Live victoriously! Be effective! Remain balanced!

How To Make The Best You Possible


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Not long ago we were watching an air show happening over our house when this bug came flying in and landed on one of the cars (above pic). I can picture the late ‘Crocodile Hunter’ Steve Irwin saying, “Crikey isn’t she a beauty?” And she was (or he was… I can’t tell on those bugs). And, looking at that picture, it seems that bug was checking itself out.

The creativity of God is mind-blowing! Were able to blow up that picture you’d notice the ‘hairs’ on its legs and a funky looking stump at the end of each foot and a host of other incredible details. It was crazy cool to see.

But I guess life is all about perspective. While a group of us were admiring this creature, I heard a boy in the background say excitedly, “let me squish it.” Boys will be boys, I guess. So, while some of us thought the bug was amazing, others thought it wasn’t worth much.

Think about yourself for a moment and let’s do a quick exercise… put your cellphone on camera mode and take a selfie. Do you see your amazing self in that picture?

I can understand if you don’t call what you see in that picture of yourself ‘AMAZING.’ But you should know that there’s absolutely no shame in seeing the awesome side of you.

I remember hearing a motivational speaker tell the audience to look at themselves in the mirror, point at their reflection, and say, “You’re great; I believe in you.” Would you have done that?

What if I told you that when God sees you He smiles and says, “I think you’re incredible!” Of course I know that God is different than us but the essence of what I’m thinking is described in one particular place in the Bible. Check it out,

“Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!  Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it… how precious are your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered!” Psalm 139: 14, 17 NLT

It’s like God pointing at you and saying, “You da man” or “You da woman!” And the passage leads us to believe that God has you (and me) in His mind so often that it would be impossible to number the times.

I don’t know about you but I don’t waste much time thinking about irrelevant or worthless things. We keep our minds on those subjects or people or dreams we like.

Have you ever had the lyrics of a song stuck in your head? You keep humming the tune or repeating the same lyric again and again. That’s God with each of us.

In 1982 Willie Nelson released a hit song called, Always On My Mind. It’s a song about someone regretting not showing love to a certain special person in his/her life. The chorus went like this, “You were always on my mind.”

Will you consider believing the next statement I’m going to write? Ready? Here it is: You are always on God’s mind. But He won’t stop there. The Lord will show you again and again and again how much He cares for you and loves you.

The way to make the best of you possible starts with accepting the Truth that you were created in God’s image and for His purpose!

Some think they’re too short or too tall or too fat or too skinny or too ugly or too stupid or way too far ‘gone’ in life to be any good to anyone but that’s a lie coming straight out of the pit of hell itself. You are so worth it and AMAZING to your Father in heaven that He was willing to send His only Son to die for your sins! That’s what last weekend’s Easter celebration was all about.

Let me close with this, I realize that you may have read this thinking I was going to share with great principles that would help make the best of you possible. Sure, I could have developed those age old ideas like ‘working smarter not harder’ or ‘ways to reach for people’s hearts before you reach for their hand’ or ‘keys to positive thinking’ or a number of other proven leadership principles. But your way to the best you possible begins where you think and live, right in the heart.

Only God can make a masterpiece out of whatever mess you may see in the mirror. The best you starts with Him!!

Thanks for reading. Please feel free to leave me a response.