How To Live Big Even When Life Seems Small

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We were in the little town of Hoonah, Alaska, population 800, when we came across this behemoth totem pole. It’s over twenty foot tall and so heavy they are going to need a crane to transfer it and stand it in the center of town once it’s finished. One of the artists working on the project told me they’ve been working on it for months and it will take several more months to finish.

We were in absolute awe at the size of the thing and at the meticulous detail the artists were putting on it.

We learned that each totem pole tells a story. The images describe a set of qualities, ideals, and ideas that encourage and empower. For example, the figure of an eagle is associated with courage, risk-taking, freedom, and intelligence, among others. The carved figure of a frog stands for hidden beauty, rebirth, adaptability and other qualities. A beaver is related to dreaming great dreams and determination and building, etc.

I was so impressed by the totems that I bought one at a shop in a place called Ketchikan. This one is only 17 inches tall but its as special as the humongous one in Hoonah… even more so to me because the artist that created it, signed it. My prized possession is pictured below,
In our day, the thought is that bigger is better and that the more you have the happier you’ll be. But that may not necessarily be so. There are people who seem to have it all (wealth, fame) and yet misery follows them. Some wrestle with drug and alcohol addiction. Who hasn’t heard of a famous person going through a nasty divorce or dying of an overdose or committing suicide? Big doesn’t always mean better.

You may be reading this thinking, I hear you but I believe that if I had this/that I’d really be happy.

The wisest man that ever lived said this,

“I came so that everyone would have life, and have it in its fullest.” John 10:10 CEV

It’s a promise not based on the conjunction ‘if’. Jesus was saying that following Him will result in enjoying a most satisfying life whether we have lots or little.

I want to challenge you to live ‘big’ even when life seems small.

Start by living out your story!

Just like every totem pole has a story, everyone has a unique story. Your biography may not include a rags to riches theme. And yours may not be an incredible come back story, but you have a story to tell that’s your own: who you are, where you came from, how you got to where you are today, and where you’re heading. No one can take that away from you. You’re an original! You’ve had to overcome painful difficulties and struggles like everyone else. Be proud of that!! Next,

Let your creative genius out!

You know what attracted me to my totem memorabilia? The eagle on top. From the dozens of totem poles that artist had carved, only that one had the standing eagle with spread wings.

I’ve heard people say sometimes that they don’t have a creative bone in their body. That may be so to some extent, but everyone is gifted at doing something or at being a certain way.

The Bible says that God made you and me in His image and you know that God don’t make no junk! He has gifted you with a sharp mind, personality, talent, smile, a love and passion for something, and many other traits and talents.

Develop those.
Milk those.
Exploit those.

One more thing about living big even when life seems small,

Add color to your life!

Avoid the pitfall of getting into dull routines.

I had lunch with a guy one time. He took a bite of the burger, grabbed two fries, dipped them in ketchup, eat them, and then took a slurp of soda. He methodically did each step in sequence until the food was gone. Madness! I said, “Are you for real?” He answered, “What?” I said, “The way you eat. One bite of burger, two fries dipped in ketchup, and a drink of soda.” He was like, “So?” Had he swallowed soda before munching on fries his world would have ended. Needless to say, I never had lunch with that dude again!

Life is too good to waste on dull routines. Engage in something stimulating and refreshing. Do something different! Maybe take a new route to work or eat something you’ve never tried before at your favorite restaurant (better yet, try cooking something), or learn a second language or be spontaneous a go somewhere.

Life was meant to be enjoyed… big or small! Live it to the hilt!!

Thanks for reading! Please leave me a comment.

2 thoughts on “How To Live Big Even When Life Seems Small

  1. Reading your blogs, Jorge, is a favorite part of my week! They are so down to earth, thought provoking, and relevant to our every day lives. There have been times in my life when I wanted lots and lots of money. To be honest, I still want to have enough money to be financially comfortable, but I’ve also learned that, to quote a cliché, “money can’t buy happiness”.
    Happiness comes from the heart; a heart that has surrendered to Jesus Christ!
    When that happens, you can face anything life throws at you. With that realization you begin to live your life to its fullest potential, using everything God has gifted you with, to enjoy every precious moment you have!

    • Thanks Jim. Trusting is such a huge part of faith. Sometimes we have to pull back and relish what we have. We still need to think big and try our best but putting it all in God’s hands.

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